Friday, May 1, 2009

I Really, Really, Really Don't Like My Children's Stepmother

What did I do to deserve this? I tried really hard to make things a smooth transition. After all, God bless her. I sure as hell don't want him. Matter of fact, I remember when I wished for the day they would get married. My exact thoughts, " You think he's sooooo great, let's see if you like being married to that."

Well...I think I got my answer. Moreover, I think the answer is no! A resounding, "Hell, No!" You know, like the one that Sophia gave the Mayor's wife in The Color Purple. Yeah...that. And, I have the stinkin' suspicion that Step mom's dissatisfaction is being taken out on MY kids.

Can I just start with the fact that she has my recently turned 12-year old doing the laundry for eight people. You heard me, I said eight (8). Oh, and by the way, did I mention that she's a stay-at-home mom. And you know I had to ask, "Do you wash her underwear?" I'm pretty sure that you can guess the answer. I don't even have my daughter wash my dirty drawers. Can you imagine your child washing some other person's underwear. Do you see where I'm going with this....

Shall I mention how she burned out some of my daughter's hair because she was too triflin' to wash it before pressing it with the hot comb. For all my readers who are not familiar with black hair care, that is a big No No. Or how about the fact that she refused to sign my son's homework reading slip because he just happened to make mention of the fact that he wished she wasn't in his life. Any guesses as to why? Hmmmmm....Maybe it's because you suck, Lady!

I guess I could talk about the disparity of treatment and favoritism amongst her biological daughter (their step-sister) and their two, toddler half-brothers. Hey, Heifer! It's not my fault that you chose to ignore birth control as an option. You wanted that big family. Hey, you got it. It's time to deal with it. And, would you like a hint? You don't have the option of treating my children unequally. Sure, I know it probably gets a little overwhelming at times, but unless somebody put a gun to your head, I think you need to get over it. What is it that they say? Be careful what you ask for.

It's beginning to become very clear that someone is pretty, darn miserable. But, I'm soooo sorry to inform you that this is the life YOU chose. That is the man YOU wanted to marry and those are the children that were there BEFORE you. Awww....ain't love grand?

My children are not your slaves. They will not be mistreated. They have a MOM who WILL protect them at all costs. If you have a problem with YOUR husband, I suggest you direct your attention in the right direction. Yeah, you know, Mr. Wonderful. And by the way, wash your own dirty, funky underwear!