Saturday, January 3, 2009

20 lbs. to go...

Total that is - So, I am going on the Super Bowl cruise in February 2009. Therefore, I have to, and I mean have to lose 10 pounds by the end of this month. For the last two days it appears that I'm off to a good start. I've been in the gym. Started slow. Today was a good workout day. Worked out for an hour and even relaxed in the sauna. But, there is no doubt about the fact that I'm gonna have to step it up. My eating was okay. Could have been better. Fell off the Pinkberry wagon. But that's not really so bad. I think it had more to do with the sweet potato fries and the mini turkey burgers. Trying to eat out while eating healthy is an oxymoron. Weighed in at 164.4 this morning.


  1. HI! I popped over from the comment you left on Skinny B. Thought I'd come say high and offer some moral support. I've only got 1 more pound to lose... then I'll worry about the other 99. LOL!

    I'm gonna be checking back on you, girl (or should that be GURL!?!? LOL) GOOD LUCK!

  2. Well, I'm here to cheer you on sistagurl. The countdown in ON!
